Random Hair Color Generator
Style, fashion, and vogue have occupied a lot of attention of the human race. From ancient times, we see people striving hard to be fashionable and presentable. After we secured the means of our basic livelihood, we chased beauty and ecstasy.
Many a royal family, throughout the ages, put forward huge efforts to be fashionable as means of establishing authority over subjects. Nowadays, the impact of fashion has increased.
One such aspect of fashion is hairstyle and hair color. Though the sense has evolved, the idea is almost as fundamental as it was. Now, in this age, a question comes quite naturally- What if we synergize fashion with technology? This is where Random Hair Color Generator comes into existence.
What is a Random Hair color generator?
A random hair color generator is an online tool that picks a certain hair color in a probabilistic manner. Randomgenerate.io’s random hair color generator uses a large database to pick a hair color for you randomly.
Just input the needed preferences (we shall be discussing them in the latter parts) and you will be provided with a hair color picked randomly.
How to use Random Hair Color Generator
Using randomgenerate.io’s tool is a piece of cake for even a child. So, needless to mention, you can handle the tool efficiently. Here is a step-by-step approach to do so.
- Step 1: First of all, open the website randomgenerate.io and head to the front page.
- Step 2: Now, you will be shown a list of numerous automation tools. Click on ‘Random Hair Color Generator’
- Step 3: Now, choose the Gender. You can either choose men, women or both.
- Step 4: Finally, click on Generate. You will be provided with a hair color along with its color code.
You can copy the result and paste it somewhere else, e.g. chats, emails, grooming catalogs, etc. Moreover, you can also share it by copying the URL.
To pick the hair color using the spinner wheel, use the Spin the wheel hair color option and click on Spin to choose the hair color randomly.
Advantages of Using Random Hair Color Generator
Superficially, it may seem that it is just a simple tool to have fun with. However, if you can read between the lines you can notice some of its advantages such as-
1. Having an advanced Algorithm
The tool developed by randomgenerate.io has a sophisticated AI algorithm. This artificial intelligence picks a hair color for you. The algorithm helps you to get the result in the most unbiased manner.
2. A huge Database
The tool has a huge database at its disposal. So the result that is to be picked up for you will be chosen randomly from a huge pool of data.
3. Simple Interface
The hair color randomiser has a simple and user-friendly interface. So, if you are not so comfortable using an automation tool, it would take an optimum of 2-3 times to get accustomed to it.
4. Other Advantages
Sometimes, we get perplexed while choosing a hair color. How many of us can not decide while grooming ourselves what to do and what not. Here, you can leave the decision to random hair color generator.
History of Hair Coloring
The technique of dying hair artificially is centuries old. Greek historian Diodorus Siculus first brought to light that Celtic people used to be blonde artificially. They used to bleach their hair using lime.
In ancient times, natural substances such as henna, indigo dye, turmeric, amla, walnut hulls, red ochre, etc. were used to dye hair.
In ‘Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art & Nature’ (1661), numerous methods to color hair have been devised. Here, in this book, the explanation to dye hair black, white, green, gold, red, and yellow is given.
The inception of synthetic dyes dates back to the 1860s when para-phenylenediamine (PPD) was discovered. In 1907, Eugene Schueller created the first synthetic hair dye. In 1947, the German firm Schwarzkopf commercialized synthetic hair dye.
Now let us come back to the digital means of hair color generator.
Examples of randomly picked hair color through random hair color generator
The random hair color generator uses a huge pool of hair color to randomize the result. So, there is a minimum chance of getting repeated results frequently. Here are some hair colors that can be disposed of by the tool-
- Denim Blue
- Navy Blue
- Cinnamon red
- Ruby Red
- Auburn Red
- Cherry Red
- Ash Brown
- Chestnut Brown
- Caramel Brown
- Beige Blonde
- Butter Blonde
- Sun-kissed Blonde
- Icy Blonde
- Midnight Black
- Maroon Red
- Lavender
- Smoky Gray
- Soft Black
- Hot Pink
- Burgundy Brown
These are some examples of hair color that can be picked up by the random hair color generator. Therefore, you can fathom the wide spectrum of colors.
Pick a Hair Color - FAQs
- How to get a randomly generated hair color?
- Is it safe to use random hair color generator?
- How Does a Random Hair color generator work?
You can click on the random hair color generator tool and click on the generate icon after having chosen the gender. You will get the result.
Randomgenerate.io respects one’s privacy. It complies with the data guideline, rules and privacy policy set up by the authority. So, there is no reason to worry.
It uses a sophisticated AI algorithm. The algorithm follows a certain logic that is developed by the company to provide you with unbiased randomness. The tool does not compromise its quality of algorithm to randomize your result in the best possible way.
Thank you for using the tool random hair color picker to explore the world of hair color and randomness altogether.
We hope you enjoyed this crossover of fashion and AI. Explore other randomizer tools on our website available at your service. Happy randomizing!